Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Small Paintings

I have had a request for small paintings to be posted on line.  I'm not sure the website is the best place but I am developing a shop on Square Market  Presently, the catalog, Prayers and note cards are available but there is more to come.  If you are interested in purchasing a painting please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you.

Each of these began with color, motion and an imaginary light source.  Over all I was immersing my self in the process of painting.  Seeing where the muse would lead.....freedom.

Minnows, 6x6", oil and cold wax on panel, $100

Windows, 6x6", oil and cold wax on panel, $100

2 chicks, 6x6", oil and cold wax on panel, $100

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